While getting ready for church this morning, I was thinking about the things I wish I had learned while my children were young (or before). I did not grow up going to church. My family attended church until around the time I started elementary school, and then we stopped going. I began attending regularly with a friend when I was nineteen years old. That is where I met and married my husband. We have always gone to church as a family.
I always felt out of sorts when getting things planned for Sundays. I had to learn on my own how to get everyone dressed and to church peacefully. Now I did not always succeed at this, but these are a few things I learned along the way.
--Make church a priority for your family. With your husband, decide what church to attend and which services. For example, will you only attend Sunday morning or will you attend Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night (if your church has all of these services)? Our church only has Sunday morning services year-round and Wednesday night services during the school year. Whatever you do, be positive about going to church and how much fun it is!
--Find a church where you fit and stick with it! My husband and I failed on this. We bounced from church to church for various reasons. One of them was because of a move, which obviously can't be helped. However, we left a few other churches because we disagreed with teachings (minor things, not salvation issues) or something else. This left a mark on our children.
--Start preparing for Sunday earlier in the week. Honestly, my preparations usually begin on Saturday. It might be easier on you to begin preparations earlier in the week. Do what works for you! Have everyone's clothes ironed and hanging up ready to put on. Lay out the entire outfit down to undergarments, socks, shoes, barrettes, hair bows, etc.
--Decide early in the week what you will have for Sunday breakfast and lunch. Prepare as much food as possible ahead of time. Some families enjoy lunch at a local restaurant on Sundays. If this is what you desire and it is in the budget, that is great. Just make traditions for your children to remember. Make it fun!
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